"""PyLabware driver for the TECAN Cavro XLP 6000 syringe pump with integrated valve."""
from typing import Optional, Union, Dict, Any
from time import sleep
import serial
# Core import
from .. import parsers as parser
from ..controllers import (AbstractSyringePump,
from ..exceptions import (PLConnectionError, PLDeviceCommandError,
PLDeviceError, PLDeviceInternalError,
from ..models import LabDeviceCommands, LabDeviceReply, ConnectionParameters
class XLP6000SyringePumpCommands(LabDeviceCommands):
"""Collection of command definitions for XLP6000 pump, DT protocol.
# ################### Configuration constants #############################
# Mapping of rotary switch settings to apparent pump address on serial
# Please, note, position F is not used (see p.23 of the manual)
"0": "1",
"1": "2",
"2": "3",
"3": "4",
"4": "5",
"5": "6",
"6": "7",
"7": "8",
"8": "9",
"9": ":",
"A": ";",
"B": "<",
"C": "=",
"D": ">",
"E": "?",
"all": "-"
# Allowed valve positions
# Y-valves, 90°-valves and T-valves use IOBE-notation
# 6-pos valves use I1..I6/O1..O6 notation (I - moves CW, O - moves CCW)
# 3-pos distribution valves can use either IOBE or I1..I3/O1..O3 depending how they were configured (Uxx command)
"", # This is to pass check when IOBE addressing is used and I or O is requested
# Valve types for Uxx command
"3PORT_Y": "1", # IOBE control
"3PORT_T": "5", # IOBE control
"3PORT_DISTR_IO": "11", # I1..In, O1..On control
"4PORT_90DEG": "2", # IOBE control
"4PORT_T": "5", # IOBE control
"4PORT_LOOP": "9", # IOBE control
"6PORT_DISTR": "7", # I1..In, O1..On control
"9PORT_DISTR": "8" # I1..In, O1..On control
# Plunger motor resolution modes
0: 3000, # Normal mode, half-steps - power up default
1: 48000, # Positioning micro-step mode
2: 48000 # Positioning & velocity micro-step mode
# Plunger motor ramp slope modes. Key - ramp code, Value - list of ramp slope in increments/sec^2 for N0-N1 and N2 modes
"1": [2500, 20000],
"2": [5000, 40000],
"3": [7500, 60000],
"4": [10000, 80000],
"5": [12500, 100000],
"6": [15000, 120000],
"7": [17500, 140000],
"8": [20000, 160000],
"9": [22500, 180000],
"10": [25000, 200000],
"11": [27500, 220000],
"12": [30000, 240000],
"13": [32500, 260000],
"14": [35000, 280000], # Power-up default
"15": [37500, 300000],
"16": [40000, 320000],
"17": [42500, 340000],
"18": [45000, 360000],
"19": [47500, 380000],
"20": [50000, 400000]
# Plunger motor speed. Key - speed code, Value - list of speeds in steps/sec for N0-N1 and N2 modes
"0": [6000, 48000],
"1": [5600, 44800],
"2": [5000, 40000],
"3": [4400, 35200],
"4": [3800, 30400],
"5": [3200, 25600],
"6": [2600, 20800],
"7": [2200, 17600],
"8": [2000, 16000],
"9": [1800, 14400],
"10": [1600, 12800],
"11": [1400, 11200], # Power-up default
"12": [1200, 9600],
"13": [1000, 8000],
"14": [800, 6400],
"15": [600, 4800],
"16": [400, 3200],
"17": [200, 1600],
"18": [190, 1520],
"19": [180, 1440],
"20": [170, 1360],
"21": [160, 1280],
"22": [150, 1200],
"23": [140, 1120],
"24": [130, 1040],
"25": [120, 960],
"26": [110, 880],
"27": [100, 800],
"28": [90, 720],
"29": [80, 640],
"30": [70, 560],
"31": [60, 480],
"32": [50, 400],
"33": [40, 320],
"34": [30, 240],
"35": [20, 160],
"36": [18, 144],
"37": [16, 128],
"38": [14, 112],
"39": [12, 96],
"40": [10, 80]
# ## C3000 error codes ###
# Error codes are represented as a bit field occupying 4 right-most bits of status byte, according to C3000 manual, page 90
0b0000: "No error.",
0b0001: "Initialization failure!",
0b0010: "Invalid command!",
0b0011: "Invalid operand!",
0b0110: "EEPROM failure!",
0b0111: "Device not initialized!",
0b1000: "Internal failure!",
0b1001: "Plunger overload!",
0b1010: "Valve overload",
0b1011: "Plunger move not allowed! Check valve position.",
0b1100: "Internal failure!",
0b1110: "ADC failure!",
0b1111: "Command overflow!"
# Default status - pump initialized, idle, no error
# ################### Control commands ###################################
# ## Initialization commands ##
# Initialize plunger & valves, valve numbering - CW from syringe (first on the left)
# For non-distribution valves - set valve to the right
INIT_ALL_CW = {"name": "Z", "reply": {"type": str}}
# Initialize plunger & valves, valve numbering - CCW from syringe (first on the right)
# For non-distribution valves - set valve to the left
INIT_ALL_CCW = {"name": "Y", "reply": {"type": str}}
# Initialize syringe only
INIT_SYRINGE = {"name": "W", "reply": {"type": str}}
# Initialize valve only
INIT_VALVE = {"name": "w", "reply": {"type": str}}
# ## Plunger movement commands ##
# Move plunger to absolute position
SYR_MOVE_ABS = {"name": "A", "type":int, "reply": {"type": str}}
# Move plunger to absolute position, do not set busy flag
SYR_MOVE_ABS_NOBUSY = {"name": "a", "type": int, "reply": {"type": str}}
# Relative pick-up
SYR_SUCK_REL = {"name": "P", "type": int, "reply": {"type": str}}
# Relative pick-up, do not set busy flag
SYR_SUCK_REL_NOBUSY = {"name": "p", "type": int, "reply": {"type": str}}
# Relative dispense
SYR_SPIT_REL = {"name": "D", "type": int, "reply": {"type": str}}
# Relative dispense, do not set busy flag
SYR_SPIT_REL_NOBUSY = {"name": "d", "type": int, "reply": {"type": str}}
# ## Valve movement commands ##
# Rotate valve to input position, or to position <n> clockwise (U11 configuration)
VALVE_MOVE_I = {"name": "I", "check": {"values": VALVE_POSITIONS}, "reply": {"type": str}}
# Rotate valve to output position, or to position <n> counter-clockwise (U11 configuration)
VALVE_MOVE_O = {"name": "O", "check": {"values": VALVE_POSITIONS}, "reply": {"type": str}}
# Rotate valve to bypass position. No check as there are no arguments.
VALVE_MOVE_B = {"name": "B", "reply": {"type": str}}
# Rotate valve to extra position. No check as there are no arguments.
VALVE_MOVE_E = {"name": "E", "reply": {"type": str}}
# ## Execution flow control commands ##
# Execute command string
PRG_RUN = {"name": "R", "reply": {"type": str}}
# Repeat last command
PRG_RPT_LAST = {"name": "X", "reply": {"type": str}}
# Store program string into EEPROM
PRG_EEPROM_ST = {"name": "s", "reply": {"type": str}}
# Execute program string from EEPROM
PRG_EEPROM_EXEC = {"name": "e", "reply": {"type": str}}
# Mark start of looped command sequence
PRG_MARK_LOOP_START = {"name": "g"}
# Mark end of looped command sequence
PRG_MARK_LOOP_END = {"name": "G"}
# Delay command execution
PRG_DELAY_EXEC = {"name": "M"}
# Halt command execution (wait for R command and/or ext. input change)
PRG_HALT = {"name": "H", "reply": {"type": str}}
# Terminate commands execution
PRG_TERM = {"name": "T", "reply": {"type": str}}
# ## Report commands ##
# Query pump status
GET_STATUS = {"name": "Q", "reply": {"type": str}}
# Query firmware version
GET_FW_VER = {"name": "?23", "reply": {"type": str}}
# Query EEPROM data
GET_EEPROM_DATA = {"name": "?76", "reply": {"type": str}}
# Query plunger absolute position
GET_SYR_POS = {"name": "?", "reply": {"type": int}}
# Query start velocity
GET_START_VEL = {"name": "?1", "reply": {"type": str}}
# Query maximum velocity
GET_MAX_VEL = {"name": "?2", "reply": {"type": str}}
# Query cut-off velocity
GET_STOP_VEL = {"name": "?3", "reply": {"type": str}}
# Query acceleration/deceleration ramp
GET_STEP_RAMP = {"name": "?25", "reply": {"type": str}}
# Query backlash increments setting
GET_BACK_INC = {"name": "?12", "reply": {"type": str}}
# Query supply voltage
GET_VOLT = {"name": "*", "reply": {"type": int}}
# Query resolution mode
GET_RES_MODE = {"name": "?28", "reply": {"type": str}}
# Query valve position
GET_VALVE_POS = {"name": "?6", "reply": {"type": str, "parser": str.upper}}
# ################### Configuration commands #############################
# ## Configuration commands ##
# Set EEPROM values
SET_EEPROM = {"name": "U", "reply":{"type": str}}
# Set dead volume
SET_DEAD_VOL = {"name": "k", "reply": {"type": str}}
# Set acceleration/deceleration ramp slope
SET_RAMP_SLOPE = {"name": "L", "type": str, "check": {"values": RAMP_SLOPE_MODES.keys()}}
# Set start velocity (beginning of ramp)
SET_START_VEL = {"name": "v", "type": int, "check": {"min": 1, "max": 8000}, "reply": {"type": str}}
# Set maximum velocity (top of ramp) in increments/second
SET_MAX_VEL = {"name": "V", "type": int, "check": {"min": 1, "max": 48000}, "reply": {"type": str}}
# Set maximum velocity (top of ramp) with velocity code
SET_MAX_VEL_CODE = {"name": "S", "type": str, "check": {"values": SPEED_MODES.keys()}, "reply": {"type": str}}
# Set cut-off velocity (end of ramp)
SET_STOP_VEL = {"name": "c", "type": int, "check": {"min": 1, "max": 21600}, "reply": {"type": str}}
# Set resolution (stepping mode)
SET_RES_MODE = {"name": "N", "type": int, "check": {"values": RESOLUTION_MODES.keys()}, "reply": {"type": str}}
# Set external outputs
SET_EXT_OUT = {"name": "J", "reply": {"type": str}}
class XLP6000SyringePump(AbstractSyringePump, AbstractDistributionValve):
This provides a Python class for the TECAN XLP6000 syringe pump
based on the the original operation manual 8694-12 E
# As there can be multiple pumps on the same serial port, it's necessary to maintain a list
# Example: {"COM3":{"pumps":1, "conn":<PyLabware.connections.SerialConnection at 0x1111>}}
def __init__(self, device_name: str, connection_mode: str, address: Optional[str], port: Union[str, int],
switch_address: Union[int, str], syringe_size: Optional[float] = None, valve_type: str = "3PORT_DISTR_IO"):
"""Default constructor.
# Load commands from helper class
self.cmd = XLP6000SyringePumpCommands
# Flag to indicate that explicit volumetric calibration
# (comparing dispensed volume to required volume) has been performed
self._volumetric_calibrated = False
# Size of the syringe installed, in mL
self._syringe_size = syringe_size
# Calibration factor
self._steps_per_ml = None
# Check that valid valve type has been passed
self._valve_type = XLP6000SyringePumpCommands.VALVE_TYPES[valve_type]
except KeyError:
raise PLDeviceError("Invalid valve type <{}> provided!".format(valve_type)) from None
# Connection settings
connection_parameters: ConnectionParameters = {}
# TCP/IP relevant settings
connection_parameters["port"] = port
# Save port separately to access reference count in connect()/disconnect() later
self.port = port
connection_parameters["address"] = address
# RS-232/RS-485 relevant settings
connection_parameters["baudrate"] = 9600
connection_parameters["bytesize"] = serial.EIGHTBITS
connection_parameters["parity"] = serial.PARITY_NONE
super().__init__(device_name, connection_mode, connection_parameters)
# Check if we already have the required COM port open
self.connection = type(self).BUS_DEVICES[port]["conn"]
# Increase reference count
self.logger.debug("Existing connection for port <%s> found, reusing <%s>", port, self.connection)
type(self).BUS_DEVICES[port]["pumps"] += 1
except KeyError:
type(self).BUS_DEVICES[port] = {"pumps": 1, "conn": self.connection}
self.logger.debug("Storing new serial connection reference <%s> for port <%s>", self.connection, port)
# Set switch address
switch_address = self.cmd.SWITCH_ADDRESSES[str(switch_address)]
except KeyError:
raise PLDeviceError("Invalid switch address <{}> supplied!".format(switch_address)) from None
# Protocol settings
self.command_prefix = "/" + switch_address
# Run commands after sending them to pump by default (R appended)
self.command_terminator = self.cmd.PRG_RUN["name"] + "\r\n"
self.reply_prefix = "/0"
self.reply_terminator = "\x03\r\n"
self.args_delimiter = ""
# Pump status byte
self._last_status = 0
def autorun(self):
"""Property showing if the commands should be executed immediately,
or queued instead.
return self.cmd.PRG_RUN["name"] in self.command_terminator
def autorun(self, value):
"""Setter for the autorun property.
if value is True:
self.command_terminator = self.cmd.PRG_RUN["name"] + "\r\n"
self.command_terminator = "\r\n"
def syringe_size(self):
if self._syringe_size is None:
raise PLDeviceCommandError("Syringe size not set! Functions with volumetric dosing are not available! Please set either step_per_ml or syringe_size properties.")
return self._syringe_size
def syringe_size(self, value):
if self._volumetric_calibrated:
self.logger.warning("Changing syringe size resetted volumetric calibration.")
self._syringe_size = value
self._volumetric_calibrated = False
self.steps_per_ml = 6000 / value
def steps_per_ml(self):
if self._steps_per_ml is None:
raise PLDeviceCommandError("Calibration factor not set! Functions with volumetric dosing are not available! Please set either step_per_ml or syringe_size properties.")
return self._steps_per_ml
def steps_per_ml(self, value):
self._steps_per_ml = int(value)
def connect(self):
""" Checks whether the connection has been already opened, if not - opens it.
if not self.connection.is_connection_open():
return super().connect()
self.logger.info("Connection already open.")
def disconnect(self):
""" Checks whether we are the last device using this port. If yes - closes the connection.
If not - decreases the reference count.
# TODO check if we are closing the connection for ourselves!
if not self.connection.is_connection_open():
self.logger.warning("Connection not open yet!")
# Check current reference count for the serial port open
#FIXME probably wouldn't work for other than serial connection
current_refs = type(self).BUS_DEVICES[self.port]["pumps"]
current_refs -= 1
if current_refs == 0:
_ = type(self).BUS_DEVICES.pop(self.port)
type(self).BUS_DEVICES[self.port]["pumps"] = current_refs
self.logger.info("%s more devices left on the bus, leaving connection open.", current_refs)
def parse_reply(self, cmd: Dict, reply: Any) -> str:
"""Overloaded method from base class. We need to do some more
complex processing here for the status byte manipulations.
# Strip reply terminator and prefix
reply = parser.stripper(reply.body, self.reply_prefix, self.reply_terminator)
# Then analyze status byte
# Status byte is the 1st byte of reply string, & we need it's byte code.
self._last_status = ord(reply[0])
self.logger.debug("parse_reply()::status byte checked, invoking parsing on <%s>", reply[1:])
# Chop off status byte & do standard processing
return super().parse_reply(cmd, reply[1:])
def check_errors(self):
"""Checks error bits in the status byte of the pump reply.
self.logger.debug("check_errors()::checking errors on byte <%s>", self._last_status)
# Error code is contained in 4 right-most bytes,
# so we need to chop off the rest
error_code = self._last_status & 0b1111
# No error
if error_code == 0:
return None
raise PLDeviceInternalError(self.cmd.ERROR_CODES[error_code])
except KeyError:
# This shouldn't really happen, means that pump replied with
# error code not in the ERROR_CODES dictionary
# (which completely copies the manual)
raise PLDeviceReplyError("Unknown error! Status byte: {}".format(bin(self._last_status))) from None
def is_connected(self) -> bool:
"""Checks whether the device is connected by
checking it's firmware version.
version = self.send(self.cmd.GET_FW_VER)
self.logger.debug("is_connected()::Device connected; FW version <%s>", version)
return True
except PLConnectionError:
return False
def get_status(self):
"""Not supported on this device.
# TODO implement through status byte analysis
def clear_errors(self):
"""Happens automatically upon errors read-out,
except those requiring pump re-initialization.
def initialize_device(self, valve_enumeration_direction="CW", input_port=None, output_port=None):
"""Runs pump initialization.
# Select appropriate command depending on the direction
if valve_enumeration_direction == "CW":
cmd = self.cmd.INIT_ALL_CW
elif valve_enumeration_direction == "CCW":
cmd = self.cmd.INIT_ALL_CCW
raise PLDeviceCommandError("Invalid direction for valve initialization provided!")
# Initialization arguments. First - plunger initialization
# power(we are not using it).
# Second - number of input port for initialization (0 - default).
# Third - number of output port for initialization (0 - default).
# Second and third arguments are ignored for non-distribution valves
# (as been set by Ux command)
arglist = [""]
# Check if we are asked to use specific input/output ports.
# Otherwise they will be first(I) and last(O) for CW init or
# last(I) and first(O) for CCW init
for port in [input_port, output_port]:
if port is not None:
if port not in self.cmd.VALVE_POSITIONS:
raise PLDeviceCommandError("Invalid port for initialization was provided!")
# Glue arguments to the command they should be
# comma-separated list (0,0,0)
args = ",".join(str(a) for a in arglist)
# Send commands & check errors in the reply
self.send(cmd, args)
self.logger.info("Device initialized.")
def is_initialized(self) -> bool:
"""Check if pump has been initialized properly after power-up.
_ = self.send(self.cmd.GET_STATUS)
except PLConnectionError:
return False
# Busy/idle bit is 7th bit of the status byte. 0 - busy, 1 - idle
if self._last_status & 1 << 6 == 0:
return False
return True
def is_idle(self) -> bool:
"""Checks if pump is in idle state.
_ = self.send(self.cmd.GET_STATUS)
except PLConnectionError:
return False
# Busy/idle bit is 6th bit of the status byte. 0 - busy, 1 - idle
if self._last_status & 1 << 5 == 0:
return False
return True
def start(self):
"""Starts program execution."""
if self.autorun is True:
self.logger.warning("Sending run command with autorun enabled is not required.")
def stop(self):
""" Stops executing current program/action immediately."""
def set_speed(self, speed: int):
"""Sets maximum velocity (top of the ramp) for the syringe motor.
# Send command & check reply for errors
self.send(self.cmd.SET_MAX_VEL, int(speed))
def get_speed(self):
raise NotImplementedError("Getting speed is not supported on this model.")
def set_predefined_speed(self, velocity_code: int):
"""Sets maximum velocity (top of the ramp) for the syringe motor.
# Send command & check reply for errors
self.send(self.cmd.SET_MAX_VEL_CODE, velocity_code)
def move_home(self):
def move_plunger_absolute(self, position: int, set_busy: bool = True):
"""Makes absolute plunger move.
if set_busy is True:
cmd = self.cmd.SYR_MOVE_ABS
cmd = self.cmd.SYR_MOVE_ABS_NOBUSY
# Send command & check reply for errors
self.execute_when_ready(self.send, cmd, position)
def get_plunger_position(self) -> int:
"""Returns absolute plunger position.
# Send command & check reply for errors
# If autorun is not disabled for the ? command, pump reports an operand error
autorun_state = self.autorun
self.autorun = False
position = self.send(self.cmd.GET_SYR_POS)
self.autorun = autorun_state
return position
def move_plunger_relative(self, position: int, set_busy: bool = True):
"""Makes relative plunger move. This is a wrapper for
position = int(position)
if position > 0:
return self.withdraw(position, set_busy)
return self.dispense(abs(position), set_busy)
def dispense(self, volume_ml: float, set_busy: bool = True):
"""Makes relative dispense.
increments = volume_ml * self.steps_per_ml
if set_busy is True:
cmd = self.cmd.SYR_SPIT_REL
cmd = self.cmd.SYR_SPIT_REL_NOBUSY
# Send command & check reply for errors
self.execute_when_ready(self.send, cmd, increments)
def withdraw(self, volume_ml: float, set_busy: bool = True):
"""Makes relative aspiration.
increments = volume_ml * self.steps_per_ml
if set_busy is True:
cmd = self.cmd.SYR_SUCK_REL
cmd = self.cmd.SYR_SUCK_REL_NOBUSY
# Send command & check reply for errors
self.execute_when_ready(self.send, cmd, increments)
def prime_pump(self, port: str, cycles: int = 2, increments: int = 2000) -> None:
""" Primes the tubing and syringe to displace air
self.execute_when_ready(self.set_valve_position, port)
self.execute_when_ready(self.move_plunger_absolute, 0)
for c in range(cycles):
self.logger.info("Priming the pump <%s>, port %s, cycle %s out of %s...", self.device_name, port, c+1, cycles)
# 2000 - 1/3 full stroke
self.execute_when_ready(self.move_plunger_absolute, increments)
# Allow the liquid to settle down. Adequate speed should be used.
self.execute_when_ready(self.move_plunger_absolute, 0)
self.logger.info("Priming cycle %s done", c+1)
self.logger.info("Priming done.")
def transfer(self, port_from: str, port_to: str, volume_ml):
""" Transfers the required amount in mL from <port_from> to <port_to>.
increments = volume_ml * self.steps_per_ml
complete_strokes = round(increments // 6000)
remainder = increments % 6000
self.logger.info("Executing transfer of <%s> mL from <%s> to <%s>", volume_ml, port_from, port_to)
self.logger.debug("Calculated <%s> full strokes plus <%s> mL", complete_strokes, remainder/self.steps_per_ml)
# Do full strokes
for i in range(complete_strokes):
self.logger.info("Doing full transfer cycle <%s> of <%s>", i+1, complete_strokes)
self.execute_when_ready(self.set_valve_position, port_from)
self.execute_when_ready(self.move_plunger_absolute, 6000)
self.execute_when_ready(self.set_valve_position, port_to)
self.execute_when_ready(self.move_plunger_absolute, 0)
# Do the remainder
if remainder != 0:
self.logger.info("Transferring remaining <%s> mL", remainder/self.steps_per_ml)
self.execute_when_ready(self.set_valve_position, port_from)
self.execute_when_ready(self.move_plunger_absolute, remainder)
self.execute_when_ready(self.set_valve_position, port_to)
self.execute_when_ready(self.move_plunger_absolute, 0)
# Wait for the final dispense to finish
self.logger.info("Transfer done.")
def calibrate_volume(self):
""" Runs interactive volume calibration to set steps_per_ml coefficient correctly.
port_from = None
port_to = None
volume_measured = None
calibration_steps = 2000
print("Starting interactive volume calibration. Please check that the syringe is empty.")
while port_from not in self.cmd.VALVE_POSITIONS:
port_from = input("Please enter the port to withdraw the liquid from (1-9): ")
while port_to not in self.cmd.VALVE_POSITIONS:
port_to = input("Please enter the port to dispense the liquid to (1-9): ")
port_to = "I" + port_to
port_from = "I" + port_from
self.execute_when_ready(self.prime_pump, port_from)
print("Priming done.")
self.execute_when_ready(self.move_plunger_absolute, calibration_steps)
self.execute_when_ready(self.set_valve_position, port_to)
self.execute_when_ready(self.move_plunger_absolute, 0)
while volume_measured is None:
volume_measured = float(input("Please enter the exact volume of the liquid dispensed, mL: "))
except ValueError:
# Set calibration factor
self.steps_per_ml = int(calibration_steps / volume_measured)
# If syringe volume was not set manually - back calculate it from the calibration factor
if self._syringe_size is None:
self.syringe_size = 6000 / self.steps_per_ml
print(f"Calibration done. Calibration factor (steps_per_ml): {self.steps_per_ml}. Calculated syringe volume: {self.syringe_size:.2f} mL.")
self._volumetric_calibrated = True
def set_valve_position(self, requested_position: str):
"""Sets the distribution valve position.
requested_position = str(requested_position)
# We have to distinguish between IOBE and In/On valve position addressing
# & check it against current valve type
if len(requested_position) == 1:
# IOBE addressing allowed for all but 6-way distribution valves
if self._valve_type == self.cmd.VALVE_TYPES["6PORT_DISTR"]:
self.logger.warning("Requested valve position doesn't seem to match valve type installed.")
elif len(requested_position) == 2:
# In/On addressing is allowed only for 6-way valves and 3-way valves.
if self._valve_type not in [self.cmd.VALVE_TYPES["3PORT_DISTR_IO"], self.cmd.VALVE_TYPES["6PORT_DISTR"]]:
self.logger.warning("Requested valve position doesn't seem to match valve type installed.")
# The position requested is the actual command we have to send to the pump.
# But we need to match it against a defined command.
if requested_position[:1] == "I":
cmd = self.cmd.VALVE_MOVE_I
elif requested_position[:1] == "O":
cmd = self.cmd.VALVE_MOVE_O
elif requested_position == "B":
cmd = self.cmd.VALVE_MOVE_B
elif requested_position == "E":
cmd = self.cmd.VALVE_MOVE_E
raise PLDeviceCommandError(f"Unknown valve position <{requested_position}> requested!")
# Get numeric position (if I1..I6/O1..O6 notation is used)
args = requested_position[1:]
# Send command & check reply for errors
self.execute_when_ready(self.send, cmd, args)
def get_valve_position(self) -> str:
"""Reads current position of the valve.
# Send command & check reply for errors
return self.send(self.cmd.GET_VALVE_POS)
def set_ramp_slope(self, ramp_code: str):
"""Sets slope of acceleration/deceleration ramp for the syringe motor.
# Send command & check reply for errors
self.send(self.cmd.SET_RAMP_SLOPE, ramp_code)
def set_start_velocity(self, start_velocity: int):
"""Sets starting velocity for the syringe motor.
# Send command & check reply for errors
self.send(self.cmd.SET_START_VEL, start_velocity)
def set_stop_velocity(self, stop_velocity: int):
"""Sets stopping velocity for the syringe motor.
# Send command & check reply for errors
self.send(self.cmd.SET_STOP_VEL, stop_velocity)
def set_resolution_mode(self, resolution_mode: str):
"""Sets plunger resolution mode.
# Send command & check reply for errors
# FIXME this command doesn't seem to change anything on XLP6000
self.send(self.cmd.SET_RES_MODE, resolution_mode)
def set_valve_type(self, valve_type: str, confirm: bool = False):
"""Sets valve type. This command requires power-cycle to activate new settings!
self.logger.warning("Changing the valve type would require power-cycling the pump!")
if confirm is not True:
self.logger.info("Please, execute set_valve_type(valve_type, confirm=True)"
"to write new valve configuration to pump EEPROM.")
# Get correct valve code
self._valve_type = XLP6000SyringePumpCommands.VALVE_TYPES[valve_type]
except KeyError:
raise PLDeviceCommandError("Invalid valve type requested!")
# Send command & check reply for errors
self.send(self.cmd.SET_EEPROM, self._valve_type)
self.logger.info("Valve type updated successfully. Don't forget to power-cycle the pump!")
def get_pump_configuration(self):
"""Reads pump EEPROM configuration.
# Send command & check reply for errors
return self.send(self.cmd.GET_EEPROM_DATA)