Source code for PyLabware.devices.metrohm_781ph

"""PyLabware driver for Metrohm 781 pH/Ion meter."""

from typing import Optional, Union
import serial

# Core imports
from .. import parsers as parser
from ..controllers import LabDevice, in_simulation_device_returns
from ..exceptions import PLConnectionError
from ..models import LabDeviceCommands, ConnectionParameters

[docs] class Metrohm781pHMeterCommands(LabDeviceCommands): """Collection of command definitions for Metrohm 781 pH/Ion meter. """ # ########################## Constants ################################## # Default firmware version example and regex DEFAULT_FW_VER = "5.781.0010" FW_VER_REGEX = r'\d\.\d{3}\.\d{4}' # Global instrument statuses GLOBAL_STATUSES = {"$R": "Idle", "$G": "Running", "$S": "Stopped"} # States of the stirrer STIRRER_STATUSES = {"ON": True, "OFF": False} # ################### Control commands ################################### # Get firmware version GET_FW_VER = {"name": "&Config.Aux.Prog $Q", "reply": {"type": str, "parser":parser.researcher, "args":[FW_VER_REGEX]}} # Get status GET_STATUS = {"name": "$D", "reply": {"type": str}} # Get primary measured value (pH in pH mode) GET_PRIMARY_MEAS = {"name": "&Info.ActualInfo.MeasValue.Primary $Q", "reply": {"type": float, "parser":parser.stripper, "args":['"', '"']}} # Get secondary measured value (T in pH mode) GET_SECONDARY_MEAS = {"name": "&Info.ActualInfo.MeasValue.Secondary $Q", "reply": {"type": float, "parser":parser.stripper, "args":['"', '"']}} # Get stirrer status GET_STIRRER_STATUS = {"name": "&Mode.pH.MeasPara.Stirrer.Status $Q", "reply": {"type": str, "parser":parser.stripper, "args":['"', '"']}} # Start the stirrer START_STIR = {"name": "&Mode.pH.MeasPara.Stirrer.Status \"ON\""} # Stop the stirrer STOP_STIR = {"name": "&Mode.pH.MeasPara.Stirrer.Status \"OFF\""} # Get stirring speed setpoint GET_SPEED_SET = {"name": "&Mode.pH.MeasPara.Stirrer.Rate $Q", "reply": {"type": int, "parser":parser.stripper, "args":['"', '"']}} # Set stirring speed SET_SPEED = {"name": "&Mode.pH.MeasPara.Stirrer.Rate", "type": str, "check":{"values": [f'"{i}"' for i in range(1,16)]}}
#FIXME add abstract class for the pH meter
[docs] class Metrohm781pHMeter(LabDevice): """ This provides a Python class for the Metrohm 781 pH/Ion meter based on the original operation manual 8.781.1113 06.2004 / jb. """ def __init__(self, device_name: str, connection_mode: str, address: Optional[str], port: Union[str, int]): """Default constructor """ # Load commands from helper class self.cmd = Metrohm781pHMeterCommands # Connection settings connection_parameters: ConnectionParameters = {} connection_parameters["port"] = port connection_parameters["address"] = address connection_parameters["baudrate"] = 9600 connection_parameters["bytesize"] = serial.EIGHTBITS connection_parameters["parity"] = serial.PARITY_NONE super().__init__(device_name, connection_mode, connection_parameters) # Protocol settings self.command_terminator = "\r\n" self.reply_terminator = "\r\r\n" self.args_delimiter = " "
[docs] def initialize_device(self): """Set default operation mode & reset. """
[docs] @in_simulation_device_returns(Metrohm781pHMeterCommands.DEFAULT_FW_VER) def is_connected(self) -> bool: """ Check if the device is connected via GET_FW_VER command. """ try: reply = self.send(self.cmd.GET_FW_VER) except PLConnectionError: return False return reply is not None
[docs] @in_simulation_device_returns("$R.Mode.pH.DriftOk") def is_idle(self) -> bool: """Returns True if no measurement is active. """ if not self.is_connected(): return False return self.get_status() == self.cmd.GLOBAL_STATUSES["$R"]
[docs] def get_status(self): """ Gets global device status. """ status = self.send(self.cmd.GET_STATUS)"Device status: %s", status) # Status is the prefix in the reply return self.cmd.GLOBAL_STATUSES[status[:2]]
[docs] def check_errors(self): """ Gets device errors. """ status = self.send(self.cmd.GET_STATUS) try: errors = status[2:].split(";")[1:] except IndexError: errors = [] return errors
[docs] def clear_errors(self): """Not supported on this device. """
[docs] def start(self): pass
[docs] def stop(self): pass
[docs] def start_stirring(self): """Starts stirring. """ self.send(self.cmd.START_STIR)
[docs] def stop_stirring(self): """Stops stirring. """ self.send(self.cmd.STOP_STIR)
[docs] def get_speed(self) -> int: """Gets current stirring speed. """ return self.send(self.cmd.GET_SPEED_SET)
[docs] def set_speed(self, speed: int): """Sets desired speed. """ self.send(self.cmd.SET_SPEED, f"\"{speed}\"")
[docs] def get_ph(self) -> float: """Gets current viscosity rend. """ return self.send(self.cmd.GET_PRIMARY_MEAS)
[docs] def get_temperature(self): """ Gets temperature (secondary measurement in pH mode) """ return self.send(self.cmd.GET_SECONDARY_MEAS)