Source code for PyLabware.devices.julabo_cf41

"""PyLabware driver for Julabo CF41 chiller."""

import threading
from time import sleep
from typing import Optional, Union

import serial

# Core imports
from .. import parsers as parser
from ..controllers import AbstractTemperatureController, in_simulation_device_returns
from ..exceptions import (PLConnectionError,
from ..models import LabDeviceCommands, ConnectionParameters

[docs] class CF41ChillerCommands(LabDeviceCommands): """Collection of command definitions for CF41 chiller. """ # ################### Configuration constants ############################# DEFAULT_NAME = "JULABO CRYOCOMPACT CF41" # Selected setpoint to use SETPOINT_MODES = {0: "SP1", 1: "SP2", 2: "SP3"} # Self-tuning modes SELFTUNE_MODES = {0: "SELFTUNE_OFF", 1: "SELFTUNE_ONCE", 2: "SELFTUNE_ALWAYS"} # External programmer input modes. 0 - voltage 0..10V; 1 - current 0..20mA EXTPROG_MODES = {0: "EXT_VOLTAGE", 1: "EXT_CURRENT"} # Temperature regulation mode. 0 - internal; 1 - external Pt100 REGULATION_MODES = {0: "INTERNAL", 1: "EXTERNAL"} # Control dynamics modes CONTROL_DYNAMCIS_MODES = {0: "APERIODIC", 1: "STANDARD"} # Pump speed modes PUMP_SPEED_MODES = [1, 2, 3, 4] STATUSES = { "00": "STOPPED", "02": "STOPPED", "01": "STARTED", "03": "STARTED" } # Non critical errors. User has to be notified, but device can keep operating. WARNINGS = { "-10": "Entered value too small!", "-11": "Entered value too large!", "-15": "External control selected, but Pt100 sensor not connected.", "-20": "Check air cooled condenser.", "-21": "Compressor stage 1 does not work.", "-26": "Stand-by plug is missing.", "-33": "Safety temperature sensor short-circuited or open!", "-38": "External Pt100 sensor error!", "-40": "Coolant level low" } # Critical errors. Device operation is not possible until the error is cleared. ERRORS = { "-01": "Coolant level critically low!", "-03": "Coolant temperature too high!", "-04": "Coolant temperature too low!", "-05": "Working temperature sensor short-circuited or open!", "-06": "Temperature difference between working and safety temperature is above 35°C!", "-07": "Internal I2C bus error!", "-08": "Invalid command!", "-09": "Invalid command in current operating mode!", "-12": "Internal ADC error!", "-13": "Set temperature value exceeds safety limits!", "-14": "Excess temperature protection alarm", } # ################### Control commands ################################### # Get software version GET_VERSION = {"name": "VERSION", "reply": {"type": str, "parser": parser.slicer, "args": [-3]}} # Get device name GET_NAME = {"name": "VERSION", "reply": {"type": str, "parser": parser.slicer, "args": [0, 23]}} # Get status/error message GET_STATUS = {"name": "STATUS", "reply": {"type": str, "parser": parser.slicer, "args": [0, 2]}} # Get/set working temperature - setpoint 1 GET_TEMP_SP1 = {"name": "IN_SP_00", "reply": {"type": float}} # Most of the chillers have H5 cooling fluid which has recommended temperature -40..110 ºC SET_TEMP_SP1 = {"name": "OUT_SP_00", "type": float, "check": {"min": -40, "max": 110}} # Get/set working temperature - setpoint 2 GET_TEMP_SP2 = {"name": "IN_SP_01", "reply": {"type": float}} SET_TEMP_SP2 = {"name": "OUT_SP_01", "type": float, "check": {"min": -40, "max": 110}} # Get/set working temperature - setpoint 3 GET_TEMP_SP3 = {"name": "IN_SP_02", "reply": {"type": float}} SET_TEMP_SP3 = {"name": "OUT_SP_02", "type": float, "check": {"min": -40, "max": 110}} # Get/set pump speed mode GET_PUMP_SPEED = {"name": "IN_SP_07", "reply": {"type": int}} SET_PUMP_SPEED = {"name": "OUT_SP_07", "type": int, "check": {"values": PUMP_SPEED_MODES}} # Get/set maximum cooling power GET_MAX_COOL_PWR = {"name": "IN_HIL_00", "reply": {"type": int}} SET_MAX_COOL_PWR = {"name": "OUT_HIL_00", "type": int, "check": {"min": -100, "max": 0}} # Get/set maximum heating power GET_MAX_HEAT_PWR = {"name": "IN_HIL_01", "reply": {"type": int}} SET_MAX_HEAT_PWR = {"name": "OUT_HIL_01", "type": int, "check": {"min": 10, "max": 100}} # Start the chiller START_CHILLER = {"name": "OUT_MODE_05 1"} # Stop the chiller STOP_CHILLER = {"name": "OUT_MODE_05 0"} # Get chiller state GET_CHILLER_STATE = {"name": "IN_MODE_05", "reply": {"type": int}} # Get actual bath temperature GET_TEMP_INT = {"name": "IN_PV_00", "reply": {"type": float}} # Get heating power, % GET_HEAT_PWR = {"name": "IN_PV_01", "reply": {"type": float}} # Get temperature from external Pt100 sensor GET_TEMP_EXT = {"name": "IN_PV_02", "reply": {"type": float}} # Get safety sensor temperature GET_TEMP_SAFE = {"name": "IN_PV_03", "reply": {"type": float}} # Get safety temperature setpoint GET_TEMP_SAFE_SET = {"name": "IN_PV_04", "reply": {"type": float}} # Get/set high temperature warning limit GET_TEMP_LIM_HI = {"name": "IN_SP_03", "reply": {"type": float}} # Room temperature to maximum temp the chiller can reach SET_TEMP_LIM_HI = {"name": "OUT_SP_03", "type": float, "check": {"min": 20, "max": 190}} # Get/set low temperature warning limit GET_TEMP_LIM_LO = {"name": "IN_SP_04", "reply": {"type": float}} # Room temperature to minimum temperature the chiller can reach SET_TEMP_LIM_LO = {"name": "OUT_SP_04", "type": float, "check": {"min": -40, "max": 19}} # Get value from external flowrate sensor GET_EXT_FLOWRATE = {"name": "IN_SP_08", "reply": {"type": float}} # Get temperature difference between working and safety sensor GET_TEMP_DELTA = {"name": "IN_PAR_00", "reply": {"type": float}} # Get time constant for external bath GET_BATH_TE_EXT = {"name": "IN_PAR_01", "reply": {"type": float}} # Get internal slope GET_SI = {"name": "IN_PAR_02", "reply": {"type": float}} # Time constant for internal bath GET_BATH_TE_INT = {"name": "IN_PAR_03", "reply": {"type": float}} # Get bath temperature band limit GET_BATH_BAND_LIMIT = {"name": "IN_PAR_04", "reply": {"type": float}} # Get self-tuning mode. 0 - off; 1 - once; 2 - always GET_SELFTUNE_MODE = {"name": "IN_MODE_02", "reply": {"type": int}} # Get type of ext programmer input. GET_EXTPROG_MODE = {"name": "IN_MODE_03", "reply": {"type": int}} # Get/set temperature control mode. 0 - internal; 1 - external. GET_TEMP_REG_MODE = {"name": "IN_MODE_04", "reply": {"type": int}} # Set temperature regulation mode SET_TEMP_REG_MODE = {"name": "OUT_MODE_04", "type": int, "check": {"values": REGULATION_MODES}} # Get control dynamics mode. 0 - aperiodic; 1 - standard GET_DYN_MODE = {"name": "IN_MODE_08", "reply": {"type": int}} # ################### Configuration commands ############################# # Get/set temperature setpoint to use (SP1..SP3) SET_TEMP_SP = {"name": "OUT_MODE_01", "type": int, "check": {"values": SETPOINT_MODES}} GET_TEMP_SP = {"name": "IN_MODE_01", "reply": {"type": int}} # Set self-tune mode SET_SELFTUNE_MODE = {"name": "OUT_MODE_02", "type": int, "check": {"values": SELFTUNE_MODES}} # Set external programmer mode SET_EXTPROG_MODE = {"name": "OUT_MODE_03", "type": int, "check": {"values": EXTPROG_MODES}} # Set manipulated variable for the heater via serial interface SET_HEATER_VALUE = {"name": "OUT_SP_06", "type": int, "check": {"min": -100, "max": 100}} # Set cospeed for external control SET_COSPEED_EXT = {"name": "OUT_PAR_04", "type": float, "check": {"min": 0, "max": 5}} # Set control dynamics mode SET_CONTROL_MODE = {"name": "OUT_MODE_08", "type": int, "check": {"values": CONTROL_DYNAMCIS_MODES}} # Get setpoint temperature of external programmer GET_TEMP_EXTPROG = {"name": "IN_SP_05", "reply": {"type": float}} # Get temperature indication: 0-°C, 1-°F GET_TEMP_UNITS = {"name": "IN_SP_06", "reply": {"type": float}} # Get pk/ph0 factor (ratio between max cooling and max heating capacity) GET_PKPH0 = {"name": "IN_PAR_05", "reply": {"type": float}} # Get/set Xp control parameter of the internal controller GET_XP_INT = {"name": "IN_PAR_06", "reply": {"type": float}} SET_XP_INT = {"name": "OUT_PAR_06", "type": float, "check": {"min": 0.1, "max": 99.9}} # Get/set Tn control parameter of the internal controller GET_TN_INT = {"name": "IN_PAR_07", "reply": {"type": int}} SET_TN_INT = {"name": "OUT_PAR_07", "type": int, "check": {"min": 3, "max": 9999}} # Get/set Tv control parameter of the internal controller GET_TV_INT = {"name": "IN_PAR_08", "reply": {"type": int}} SET_TV_INT = {"name": "OUT_PAR_08", "type": int, "check": {"min": 0, "max": 999}} # Get/set Xp control parameter of the cascaded controller GET_XP_CAS = {"name": "IN_PAR_09", "reply": {"type": float}} SET_XP_CAS = {"name": "OUT_PAR_09", "type": float, "check": {"min": 0.1, "max": 99.9}} # Get/set proportional coefficient of the cascaded controller GET_PROP_CAS = {"name": "IN_PAR_10", "reply": {"type": float}} SET_PROP_CAS = {"name": "OUT_PAR_10", "type": float, "check": {"min": 1, "max": 99.9}} # Get/set Tn control parameter of the cascaded controller GET_TN_CAS = {"name": "IN_PAR_11", "reply": {"type": int}} SET_TN_CAS = {"name": "OUT_PAR_11", "type": int, "check": {"min": 3, "max": 9999}} # Get/set Tn control parameter of the cascaded controller GET_TV_CAS = {"name": "IN_PAR_12", "reply": {"type": int}} SET_TV_CAS = {"name": "OUT_PAR_12", "type": int, "check": {"min": 0, "max": 999}} # Get/set adjusted maximum internal temperature for the cascaded controller GET_TEMP_CAS_MAX = {"name": "IN_PAR_13", "reply": {"type": float}} SET_TEMP_CAS_MAX = {"name": "OUT_PAR_13", "type": float} # Get/set adjusted minimum internal temperature for the cascaded controller GET_TEMP_CAS_MIN = {"name": "IN_PAR_14", "reply": {"type": float}} SET_TEMP_CAS_MIN = {"name": "OUT_PAR_14", "type": float} # Get/set upper band limit GET_BAND_LIM_HI = {"name": "IN_PAR_15", "reply": {"type": int}} SET_BAND_LIM_HI = {"name": "OUT_PAR_15", "type": int, "check": {"min": 0, "max": 200}} # Get/set lower band limit GET_BAND_LIM_LO = {"name": "IN_PAR_16", "reply": {"type": int}} SET_BAND_LIM_LO = {"name": "OUT_PAR_16", "type": int, "check": {"min": 0, "max": 200}}
[docs] class CF41Chiller(AbstractTemperatureController): """ This provides a Python class for the Julabo CF41 chiller based on the the original operation manual 1.951.4871-V3 11/15 26.11.15 """ def __init__(self, device_name: str, connection_mode: str, address: Optional[str], port: Union[str, int]): """Default constructor """ self.cmd = CF41ChillerCommands # Serial connection settings - p.71 of the manual connection_parameters: ConnectionParameters = {} connection_parameters["port"] = port connection_parameters["address"] = address connection_parameters["baudrate"] = 9600 connection_parameters["bytesize"] = serial.SEVENBITS connection_parameters["parity"] = serial.PARITY_EVEN connection_parameters["rtscts"] = True connection_parameters["command_delay"] = 0.3 # Protocol settings self.command_terminator = "\r\n" self.reply_terminator = "\r\n" self.args_delimiter = " " super().__init__(device_name, connection_mode, connection_parameters)
[docs] def initialize_device(self): """This chiller doesn't have initialization method. """
[docs] @in_simulation_device_returns("00") # Stopped, no error def get_status(self) -> str: """Gets chiller status. """ return self.send(self.cmd.GET_STATUS)
[docs] def check_errors(self): """Checks device for errors. """ status = self.get_status() # All OK if status in self.cmd.STATUSES: self.logger.debug("get_status()::status: <%s>", self.cmd.STATUSES[status]) return # Warning if status in self.cmd.WARNINGS: self.logger.warning("Warning! %s", self.cmd.WARNINGS[status]) return # Critical error if status in self.cmd.ERRORS: self.logger.error("Critical error: %s", self.cmd.ERRORS[status]) raise PLDeviceInternalError(self.cmd.ERRORS[status]) errmsg = f"Unknown status {status} received from device!" self.logger.error(errmsg) raise PLDeviceReplyError(errmsg)
[docs] def clear_errors(self): """Not yet implemented. #TODO """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] @in_simulation_device_returns(CF41ChillerCommands.DEFAULT_NAME) def is_connected(self) -> bool: """Checks if teh chiller is connected. """ try: name = self.send(self.cmd.GET_NAME) except PLConnectionError: return False return name == self.cmd.DEFAULT_NAME
[docs] @in_simulation_device_returns(0) def is_idle(self) -> bool: """ Returns true if the chiller is off: pump and temperature control """ if not self.is_connected(): return False status = self.send(self.cmd.GET_CHILLER_STATE) return status == 0
[docs] def start_temperature_regulation(self): """Starts the chiller """ self.send(self.cmd.START_CHILLER)
[docs] def stop_temperature_regulation(self): """Stops the chiller """ self.send(self.cmd.STOP_CHILLER)
[docs] def get_regulation_mode(self) -> int: """Gets current temperature regulation mdoe. """ return self.send(self.cmd.GET_TEMP_REG_MODE)
[docs] def set_regulation_mode(self, mode: int): """Sets chiller temperature regulation mode. """ # Check if we got valid mode if mode not in self.cmd.REGULATION_MODES: raise PLDeviceCommandError("Invalid regulation mode provided!") self.send(self.cmd.SET_TEMP_REG_MODE, mode)
[docs] @in_simulation_device_returns("{$args[1]}") def set_temperature(self, temperature: float, sensor: int = 0): """Sets the target temperature of the chiller. Args: temperature (float): Temperature setpoint in °C. sensor (int): Specify which temperature probe the setpoint applies to. The Julabo CF41 chiller has one common setpoint temperature shared by the external and internal probe. Thus, the sensor variable has no effect here. """ # Check which SP is currently active setpoint_active = self.get_active_setpoint() # Choose the setpoint if setpoint_active == 0: self.send(self.cmd.SET_TEMP_SP1, temperature) elif setpoint_active == 1: self.send(self.cmd.SET_TEMP_SP2, temperature) elif setpoint_active == 2: self.send(self.cmd.SET_TEMP_SP3, temperature) else: raise PLDeviceCommandError(f"Invalid active SP <{setpoint_active}> received from the device!")
[docs] @in_simulation_device_returns(0) def get_active_setpoint(self) -> int: """ Gets currently active temperature setpoint. """ return self.send(self.cmd.GET_TEMP_SP)
[docs] def get_temperature(self, sensor: int = 0) -> float: """Retrieves the current temperature of the chiller. This can be the internal or external temperature, depending in what mode the chiller is currently operating. Args: sensor (int): Specify which temperature probe the setpoint applies to. """ # First, get regulation mde from the chiller mode = self.get_regulation_mode() if mode is None: # The chiller returned an invalid mode. raise PLDeviceReplyError(f"Received invalid mode '{mode}' from the chiller " f"'{self.device_name}'. Valid modes are '0' (internal " "regulation mode) and '1' (external regulation mode).") # Invalid sensor requested if sensor not in self.cmd.REGULATION_MODES.keys(): raise PLDeviceCommandError(f"Invalid sensor number {sensor} provided!" f"Allowed values are {self.cmd.REGULATION_MODES}") # Check if the sensor requested matches the regulation modes (0 - internal; 1 - external) # FIXME # If external probe is not connected, chiller returns "---.--" # which would throw an exception from parse_reply() when requesting external sensor reading if sensor != mode: self.logger.warning("Chiller currently operates in {mode} regulation mode, " "but the reading from sensor {sensor} ({self.cmd.REGULATION_MODES[sensor]}) was requested!") # Internal sensor temperature if sensor == 0: return self.send(self.cmd.GET_TEMP_INT) # External sensor temperature if sensor == 1: return self.send(self.cmd.GET_TEMP_EXT)
[docs] @in_simulation_device_returns(0) def get_temperature_setpoint(self, sensor: int = 0) -> float: """Reads the current temperature setpoint. Args: sensor (int): Specify which temperature probe the setpoint applies to. This device uses a shared setpoint for all temperature probes. Hence, this argument has no effect here. """ # Check which SP is currently active setpoint_active = self.get_active_setpoint() if setpoint_active == 0: return self.send(self.cmd.GET_TEMP_SP1) if setpoint_active == 1: return self.send(self.cmd.GET_TEMP_SP2) if setpoint_active == 2: return self.send(self.cmd.GET_TEMP_SP3) raise PLDeviceReplyError(f"Invalid active SP <{setpoint_active}> received from the device!")
# FIXME this should be refactored with new background tasks functionality
[docs] def ramp_temperature(self, end_temperature: float, time: float): """Ramps chiller temperature from the current temperature to the end_temperature over time. """ if self.is_idle(): self.logger.warning("Chiller is not running! Please start the chiller before ramping the temperature.") return # Get starting temperature start_temperature = self.get_temperature() # Temperature step, degrees per minute. Can be either positive or negative. ramp_step = (end_temperature - start_temperature) / time # Check if the value is sane # Upon manual testing, chiller was able to reliably ramp temperature to 40 °C over 900 minutes. # This gives approximately 0.044 °C/min step # 3 decimal places would be enough to minimize the error ramp_step = round(ramp_step, 3) if ramp_step > 5.0 or ramp_step < -2.0: self.logger.error("Ramp step <%s> °C/min is too steep to ramp reliably!", ramp_step) elif abs(ramp_step) < 0.05: self.logger.error("Ramp step <%s> °C/min is very low!", ramp_step) self.logger.debug("ramp_temperature()::calculated ramp from <%s> to <%s> over <%s> minutes; step - <%s> degrees/min", start_temperature, end_temperature, time, ramp_step) ramp_thread = threading.Thread(target=self._ramp_runner, args=(start_temperature, ramp_step, end_temperature), daemon=True) ramp_thread.start() return ramp_step
def _ramp_runner(self, start: float, step: float, end: float): """Worker function that actually does the ramp. """ current_temperature = start + step"Ramp start.") while (step > 0 and current_temperature <= end) or (step < 0 and current_temperature >= end):"Ramping from %s to %s, current step <%s>, %s minutes left", start, end, current_temperature, abs(round(end - current_temperature))) self.set_temperature(current_temperature) # Calculate next value current_temperature = round(current_temperature + step, 2) sleep(60)"Ramp end.") # Set temperature to final value self.set_temperature(end)
[docs] @in_simulation_device_returns(0) def get_cooling_power(self) -> int: """Returns the value of the chiller cooling power in % """ return abs(self.send(self.cmd.GET_MAX_COOL_PWR))
[docs] def set_cooling_power(self, cooling_power: int): """Sets the value of the chiller cooling power in % """ # According to manual, "Enter the value with a preceding negative sign!" cooling_power = -abs(cooling_power) self.send(self.cmd.SET_MAX_COOL_PWR, cooling_power)
[docs] def get_heating_power(self) -> float: """Returns the current heating power in %. """ return self.send(self.cmd.GET_HEAT_PWR)
[docs] def get_heating_power_setpoint(self) -> int: """Returns the value of the heating power setpoint in % """ return self.send(self.cmd.GET_MAX_HEAT_PWR)
[docs] def set_heating_power(self, heating_power: int = 100): """Sets the heating power of the chiller, in percent [10-100%]. """ heating_power = abs(heating_power) self.send(self.cmd.SET_MAX_HEAT_PWR, heating_power)
[docs] def set_recirculation_pump_speed(self, speed: int): """Sets the recirculation pump speed (4 different speeds allowed). """ self.send(self.cmd.SET_PUMP_SPEED, speed)
[docs] def get_recirculation_pump_speed(self) -> int: """Returns the recirculation pump speed: 1 (low flow rate) --> 4 (high flow rate) """ return self.send(self.cmd.GET_PUMP_SPEED)